FUNDED RESEARCHPrincipal Investigator An analysis of the communicative and morphosyntactic characteristics of teacher discourse in secondary school foreign language classrooms (Jan. 2015-Dec. 2016) Funding Agency: Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco, Institutional research grants. UJAT Co-investigators: Silvia Aquino, Verónica García, Guadalupe Garza.
Patterns of second language morphological development among Hispanophone classroom learners of French (Jan. 2012-Dec. 2014) Funding Agency: Mexican Ministry of Education: Standard Research Grants for Higher Education (Promep) UQAM Co-investigators: Danielle Guénette, UQAM. UJAT Co-investigators: Guadalupe Garza, Hiroe Minami, Angelica Fabila, Verónika García, Soledad Arellano, Flor de Liz Morales, Hilda Eslava.
An examination of the teaching competences of public secondary school EFL teachers through a triangular evaluation system built upon the 2010 National Curriculum Reform (Sep. 2011-Sep. 2013) Funding Agencies: Science and Technology National Research Council of Mexico and the Ministry of Public Education of Tabasco, Strategic research grants. UQAM Co-investigators: Danielle Guénette. UJAT Co-investigators: Silvia Aquino, Guadalupe Garza, Hiroe Minami, Angelica Fabila, Verónika De la Cruz.
Enhancing grammar acquisition and learning attitudes through multimedia applications in French Foreign Language university classrooms (Jan. 2009-Dec. 2010) Funding Agency: Research Development Program, Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco, Mexico. Institutional research grants. UQAM Co-investigators: Daphnée Simard. UJAT Co-investigators: Guadalupe Garza, Elizabeth Sanlúcar.
Enhancing French grammar acquisition through computer-based language instruction (Jan. 2005-Dec. 2007) Funding Agency: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. Graduate fellowship: Doctoral research.
Co-Investigator The development of a national professional network for the innovation of the instructional practices of in-service teachers in higher education (Sep. 2017-Aug. 2019) Funding Agencies: National Ministry of Higher-education, Strategic research grants. Principal-investigator: Silvia Aquino. Co-investigators: Jesús Izquierdo, Verónica García, Pedro Ramón, Guadalupe Palmeros, Dina Gallegos. |